Monday September 18th, 2017
Congratulations Holly!!! (Holly was recently asked to the Homecoming dance.)
Congratulations Holly!!! (Holly was recently asked to the Homecoming dance.)
This week was pretty decent. We didn't find a ton of new investigators, but it was good because we were able to follow up on the new investigators that we've had in past weeks. We now have 4 baptismal dates: Efrén- Sept. 23, Sandra- Oct. 7, Sergio- Oct. 7, and Diana- Dec. 9
Diana's baptismal date is so far away because she's not married. She and her "husband" are only 17, and according to the new laws here, they can't get married until they're both 18, and Diana turns 18 on Nov. 30. So we have to wait. But they're progressing a lot! Her husband, Carlos, is a less active member, but is now going to church.

This week we had a Zone Conference, and I was asked to play the piano. It was pretty cool. My companion and I were asked to be the missionaries in a practice teaching deal, and we did great! We found the necessity, and used the scriptures to answer the questions that the investigator had. It was awesome! He and I get along great! It's gonna suck when I have to leave this area. All of the members are inviting us over to eat since it's most likely my last week, and for my birthday. (Forest's birthday is on September 25th. Transfers are on the 25th too. Missionaries are occasionally transferred to different areas in the mission. These transfer days come every 6 weeks. Forest has been in Navolato for the last 6 months so, he is guessing that it will be his turn to be transferred.) But we're not allowed to eat dinner with the members unless we have a family home evening with investigators there as well, so I think that we'll be having lots of family home evenings this week haha! I'm gonna have a family make the cake, because we don't have an oven. (We sent him a cake mix, frosting, candles, balloons, and birthday hats in his birthday package.) The temps are still hot here.
Enjoying the Mountain Dew from his birthday package!! (Mountain Dew is imported in Mexico and is not always available.) |
President Gabaldón challenged us to read Alma 5, write down the questions, and answer them. There's a ton! But I encourage you to do it. It's a good testimony check.
So, I was able to buy a flag. (Mexican flags are hard to find unless it is Mexico's Independence Day...September 16th.) The guy told us that it was worth 300 pesos ($16.90 US dollars), but we talked him down to 170 pesos ($9.58 US dollars). Since he went down so far on the price, we didn't believe him, but when we got home, we found a sticker on it that said 300 pesos. It's an awesome flag! So, for Mexico's Independence Day, I had my flag out, and I was wearing my hat from Sinaloa. (Forest loves this hat! It says SIN on it for the state of Sinaloa but, it is funny that it says SIN since he is a missionary. :) )
I also received the two packages, and a letter from dad. Thanks for all the support!
Have a great week! I love you guys!
-Elder Radmall
You can take the boy out of Idaho but, you can't take Idaho out of the boy! (Frozen French fries from Idaho) |
Dad: Yeah, but I´m excited to get to 21, so I can get my concealed firearms permit. (Is it weird leaving your teenage years behind?)
Mom: I don't know, I haven't had to go to a dentist, and yes I got both of them. Thanks! (How is the health/dental care where you are? Did you get both of our packages?)
Holly: A ton, but I wish that I would've taken it more seriously. (How well did mission prep prepare you for your mission?)
Sam: Yes! (Do you wish you had paid more attention in church?)
Dylan: They're okay. (How comfortable have your beds been?)
Hey, everything seems so nice. I am in love with these brilliant photos. Keep sharing such details here. Our family party on this weekend was also very fun. Truly it was an enjoyable gathering hosted by our grandparents at the vintage themed event space San Francisco.