Monday April 16th, 2018
Hey guys!
Not quite Idaho, but close! |
Wow! What a week! Well, we've been having a hard time finding new people to teach, like 3-7 a week, but this week we were able to find 11! Finally! It's never been so hard for me to find new people to teach. With one of them we challenged him to be baptized in the 2nd lesson, and he accepted! but... he didn't go to church because he had to work, so he date fell through, but we're gonna talk to him about that tomorrow.
So, I think it was Thursday, we were walking in the street and we passed by this house that really loud music playing. I looked at my companion and said, "we need to contact that house" . So we yelled until someone came out, and it turns out that she's been a member for about 25 years but stopped going to church about 20 years ago. She now has two kids who are not members and are now being taught the lessons. It was an awesome experience!
We also challenged a lady named MarĂa to be baptized and she accepted! It's gonna be pretty sweet because she only has one leg, so we'll have to put a chair in the water and have a couple guys help her in. She's progressing a ton! Sh'´s never liked to read, but is now reading the Book of Mormon. She's "Catholic" and has the church really close to her house, but comes to church with us, and likes it. The sisters have actually already planned to go and visit her house.
A member lent me a pioneer book they bought in Utah. Look what I found inside!! (The Loader family is one of our Pioneer families that came across the plains to Salt Lake from England. The Radmall's come through Maria Loader who was 19 years old when they came to Utah. Patience was her sister.)
Yesterday, 20 minutes before church started, we were walking in the street to pass by for some investigators when we received a message from the bishop asking us to speak in Sacrament Meeting....
It went alright. I talked about how we all have challenges and temptations in life, but it's super important to put God first and fulfill our callings.
I love you guys! Have a great week!
-Elder Radmall
Dad: Super great! (How are you getting along with your companion?)
Mom: Finding the house of the less active and talking in Sacrament Meeting with only a few minutes of preparation. (What has been your most spiritual experience this week? What has been the hardest struggle?)
Holly: Sportsmen's Warehouse haha for food-Hot Rod Grill. I also like going to Shoshone Falls, and Dierkes. (What is your favorite place to visit in Twin Falls?)
Sam: Great question! My comp doesn't even know. (What was the animal that you sent a photo of 2 weeks ago?)
Dylan: No, because I've been studying for our investigators. (Have you finished my scripture challenge?
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